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powder coating special for radiator
1.The radiator powder coating series are developed according to thespecial structure and requirements of radiator industry. It is produced throughblending, squeezing and grinding after the selection of fine resin, pigment andspecial addictives. It has not only good anticorrosive function, but also highdecorative ability. This makes radiator not only a necessity of warming forfamilies, but also a piece of artwork of home decoration.
2.Nantai radiator powder coating canovercome the defects such as bubble and shrinkage hole caused by specialradiator structure and solve flaws on the surface of product and agingproblems. It can also increase the hardness of coating film, enhance itscapability of scratch resistance and overcome the difficulties in spray coatingas a result of electrostatic shielding. The rate of one time spraying can bemore than 70%. Besides, there are many choices such as gloss, semigloss, matt,sand textured, wrinkle, floss line, metal powder and so on. Therefore, it iswell-received by users.