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1.Outstanding achievements

Nantai is PHILIPSappointed supplier, Mitsubishi Lighting appointed supplier, household appliancesupporting supplier of Gree Group, household appliance supporting supplier ofMidea Group and TCL group; Nantai's products also have been used in first andsecond phase projects of Guangzhou metro, Hong Kong metro ceiling, The GreatHall of the People ceiling, Guangzhou new Baiyun international airportGuanxi pinglu group and IKEA pointed supplier.


 Nantai Company established a professional andexperienced R&D team, of which the high educational background talentsaccount for 40%. In order to ensure our technology leading position, Nantaibuilt advanced coating laboratory and invited experts and scholars fromuniversities and colleges to serve as senior advisors, to ensure our technologycan keep pace with international advanced level. We also introduced severaladvanced powder coating production equipments to ensure our high output;meanwhile, high precision chemical synthesizer can realize our R&D formuladesign to the largest extent. Besides modern production line, we also haveadvanced quality inspection equipments, which provides reliable qualityensurance for producing coating products.

3.Environmentalprotection concept

Nantai penetrates the ideagreen productsinto the whole process ofenterprise management, R&D, as well as production and sale, and obtainInternational Environmental Management Standards ISO 14000 Certification, whichmake the company carry out strictly tasks in environmental management system(EMS), environmental audit (EA), environmental label (EL), environmentalperformance evaluation (EPE) and product life cycle assessment (LCA) and othersystems. Nantai carries out this green ideas throughout R&D, production andsale etc. all process,


  Nantai has been equipped with various complete,precise and advanced inspection equipments, and built advanced coatinglaboratory. Its technical personnel with high educational background accountedfor 40%, besides, Nantai invites a lot of experts and scholars to serve assenior advisors, to ensure our technology keep pace with international advancedlevel and meet the needs of clients with remarkable quality.

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