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heavy anti-corrosion powder coating (external use)

1.NF368-2 is a kind of thermosetting epoxyand heavyduty powder coating. When applied to surface of preheating steelproducts, the powder can be melted and cured into an even and compact coatingfilm. It can thus resist erosion from corrosive soil, hydrocarbons, acids,alkali, and salts, industrial waste water, sea water and microorganism.

2.The coating layer has good covering andadhesive force and is very suitable for coating in long water pipe andconstruction bar. It is easy to be applied and hardened quickly with excellentperformance.

3.NF368-2 has the following characteristics:

3.1 It does not need primers and has very goodadhesive force.

3.2 It is easy to apply it to other things andit can harden very quickly. It is highly efficient and it is suitable to beoperated in assembly line.

3.3 The coating film is tough, abrasionresistant and good resistant to impact. It will not be badly damaged whentransported or buried in earth. It can bear the stress of soil and shock ofbackfilling.

3.4 The coating layer has a high glasstransition temperature and can be protective at a wide range of temperature. Itcan be anti-corrosive for a very long time.

3.5 The coating layer has very good pliabilityand flex resistance.It can prevent cathodic disbonding fromhappening.

3.6 It has a good ability to resist thecorrosion from chemical products, solvent, water, polluted water, sea water andso.It is easy to applyand to check the quality of surface.

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